Haifa SOP Bio

Liên Hệ

Haifa SOP Bio is a new potassium-based water-soluble fertilizer, intended for common crops and organic crops. This new fertilizer
has a high available potassium content. Potassium is an important mineral for the quality, firmness and storage life for all kinds of
crops. Besides potassium, Haifa SOP Bio also has a high sulphur content.

This makes plants stronger and more resistant.

Properties of Haifa SOP Bio

  •  Permitted for use in organic agriculture and horticulture in accordance with Directives (EC)834/2007 and (EC)889/2008, appendix 1
  • Water-soluble
  • High potassium and sulphate content
  • Can be used for all crops
  •  Can be mixed with the most common fertilizers, except calcium-based fertilizers


  • Pure, highly concentrated potassium- and sulphate fertilizer
  • Water-soluble
  • Can be used as an irrigation fertilizer and as foliar fertilizer
  • Increases the dry matter content
  • Increases the natural resistance of plants

Composition of Haifa SOP Bio

Elements Haifa SOP Bio
K 43.0%
K2O 52.0%
S 18.0%
SO3 45.0%


The recommendation depends on the crop, crop stage and cultivation method. For specific business
or crop advice, contact your distributor or consultant.

Concentration in mol per kg

Elements mol per kg
K 11.5
S 5.7


Haifa SOP Bio is available in 25-kg bags.

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